Solakkian Union
Currently unofficial lore, and in progress.
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The Solakkian Union is a political Union between all current independent avali governments across interstellar space. There are a total of 27 member states, and the Union is heavily based on keeping the free trade and travel between member states what was previous enforced by the Illuminate Republic. It is named after Solakku, the central star of the system containing Avalon.
Citizens of any of its member states are automatically also considered citizens of the Solakkian Union, and as such are allowed free travel between member states. The contract of the Solakkian Union, which all member states have signed, actively requires this free travel right to be upheld, alongside the freedom of trade without restriction or undue taxation. Several international organizations are also directly sponsored by the Solakkian Union, such as the Galactic Health Organization.
Otherwise, the Solakkian Union mostly leaves member states to govern themselves, it has legislative, judicial and executive power for enforcing its states goals, with its main legislative body being the special council, which contains representatives of all member states.
The Solakkian Union was officially formed in 518, as a reaction of the long-term effects of The Expansion. After its end around 508, the Illuminate Republic, still governing all avali colonized space in the galaxy, quickly came to realize that governing such a large amount of spacially scattered population was infeasible for their government structure. Although attempts were made to universially raise living standards and increase political representation, a desire for independence in the colonies continued to grow. This also lead to an increasing generational divide that stalled further developments, until, slowly, control of the government passed to the newer generations.
This culminated at the end of the year 516, when the Illuminate passed a bill allowing colonies to separate from the Illuminate Republic under specific circumstances without fear of retaliation or discrimination, either becoming independent, or joining another nearby nation. The restrictions on this were gradually lifted until effectively complete removed by 518, at which point most of the Illuminate’s former colonies had already fractured off. The idea to form a Union of some kind had been put forth as early as 515, as the next step following the aforementioned law. First revisions of the contract of the Solakkian Union were drafted as early as late 515, and it was finally agreed upon and signed by all member states in mid-518.
Simultaneously, the Illuminate Republic chose unanimously to dissolve itself and form a new government, now known as the Avalon Alliance, encompassing only the Solakku, Crest and Amber Light systems. It borrowed the same constitution and government structure as its predecessor, effectively only changing its name in a convoluted way. The reasoning for this being to ensure that no single government will be able to describe itself as the original Illuminate, and attempt to re-assert claims over its former territories. Though this change has also drawn criticism as an attempt for this new government to rid itself of the rather negative image and turbulent history of the Illuminate.