MediaWiki API result

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See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

    "batchcomplete": "",
    "continue": {
        "lecontinue": "2025-03-10 11:19:14+00|20",
        "continue": "-||"
    "query": {
        "logevents": [
                "logid": 30,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Avalon Standard Calendar",
                "pageid": 18,
                "logpage": 18,
                "revid": 77,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Tholin",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-11T09:38:13Z",
                "comment": "Create Calendar page with full description"
                "logid": 29,
                "ns": 10,
                "title": "Template:DiscordLink",
                "pageid": 17,
                "logpage": 17,
                "revid": 63,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Tholin",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-10T14:53:00Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \" This page is WiP, you can contribute to its writing by discussing in its [{{{1}}} thread] <noinclude> <templatedata> { \t\"params\": { \t\t\"1\": { \t\t\t\"type\": \"url\", \t\t\t\"description\": \"Link to the discord thread\" \t\t} \t} } </templatedata> </noinclude>\""
                "logid": 28,
                "ns": 10,
                "title": "Template:Unofficial",
                "pageid": 16,
                "logpage": 16,
                "revid": 61,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Tholin",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-10T14:48:56Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \" Currently unofficial lore, and in progress.\""
                "logid": 27,
                "ns": 6,
                "title": "File:Flag of the Illuminate Republic.png",
                "pageid": 15,
                "logpage": 15,
                "revid": 56,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Tholin",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-10T14:42:53Z",
                "comment": ""
                "logid": 26,
                "ns": 6,
                "title": "File:Flag of the Illuminate Republic.png",
                "pageid": 15,
                "logpage": 15,
                "revid": 56,
                "params": {
                    "img_sha1": "mje4wcua4up39i9tmkhuq3zehv0dvks",
                    "img_timestamp": "2025-03-10T14:42:52Z"
                "type": "upload",
                "action": "upload",
                "user": "Tholin",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-10T14:42:52Z",
                "comment": ""
                "logid": 25,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Solakkian Union",
                "pageid": 14,
                "logpage": 14,
                "revid": 55,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Tholin",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-10T12:20:18Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \" Currently unofficial lore, and in progress.   This page is WiP, you can contribute to its writing by discussing in its [ thread.]  == History ==  == Politics ==\""
                "logid": 24,
                "ns": 6,
                "title": "File:Election 492.svg",
                "pageid": 10,
                "logpage": 10,
                "revid": 51,
                "params": {
                    "img_sha1": "bxdxr9tqlya26mok5vdk9q08185yuzl",
                    "img_timestamp": "2025-03-10T11:55:43Z"
                "type": "upload",
                "action": "overwrite",
                "user": "Tholin",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-10T11:55:43Z",
                "comment": "Changed color or Hathol for better contrast"
                "logid": 23,
                "ns": 10,
                "title": "Template:Legend/styles.css",
                "pageid": 13,
                "logpage": 13,
                "revid": 42,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Tholin",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-10T11:27:29Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"/* {{pp-template}} */  .legend { \tpage-break-inside: avoid; \tbreak-inside: avoid-column; }  .legend-color { \tdisplay: inline-block; \tmin-width: 1.25em; \theight: 1.25em; \tline-height: 1.25; \tmargin: 1px 0; \ttext-align: center; \tborder: 1px solid black; \tbackground-color: transparent; \tcolor: black; }  .legend-text {/*empty for now, but part of the design!*/}\""
                "logid": 22,
                "ns": 10,
                "title": "Template:Legend/styles.css",
                "pageid": 13,
                "logpage": 11,
                "params": {},
                "type": "delete",
                "action": "delete",
                "user": "Tholin",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-10T11:26:42Z",
                "comment": "Broken"
                "logid": 21,
                "ns": 10,
                "title": "Template:Legend",
                "pageid": 12,
                "logpage": 12,
                "revid": 41,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Tholin",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-10T11:20:34Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"<includeonly><!-- --><templatestyles src=\"Legend/styles.css\" /><!-- --><div class=\"legend\"><!--   --><span class=\"legend-color mw-no-invert\" style=\"<!-- -->{{#if:{{{border|}}}|border: {{{border}}};|{{#if:{{{outline|}}}|border: 1px solid {{{outline}}};}}}}<!-- -->{{#if:{{{1|}}}|{{greater color contrast ratio|{{{1}}}|white|black|css=y}}}}<!-- -->{{#if:{{{textcolor|}}}|color:{{{textcolor}}};}}<!-- -->{{#if:{{{size|}}}|font-size:{{{size}}};}}<!-- -->-webkit-print-color-adjus...\""